Our Vision is to teach about the Twelve Sacred Flames and Rays throughout the world, conducting these workshops and spiritual retreats to show people how powerful they are themselves, and how they can help their country, Planet Earth and the Universe, by Anchoring and Activating these Rays and Flames, and most importantly, how by using the Sacred Flames and Rays, they can change their own lives.
Our Vision is to give people a sense of hope and the knowing that they can bring about change within themselves and within the world, due to their own self-healing and self-empowerment.
In Our Vision we see ourselves seated within groups of people – either small or large groups, and when we look at them, we see upon their faces an eagerness to learn something new, something that will benefit themselves, their families, and their world, and that they will go away from the workshop and retreats, feeling confident that they are able to bring about change, changes that are positive and are in the energy of Love, Light and Oneness.


Awakening from a Dream in which I perceive myself to be, as something like the leaves that fall from the Trees, blowing hither and thither as nothing or so it seemed, until I saw and understood the meaning of the Trees, the meaning that we are All as One, Breathing in and out, supporting all that lived, I knew there was something more to this than what it appeared to be. In the whispering of Mother Nature, from Trees and Mountains speaking to my Soul.

I awakened to understanding the murmuring of my own Soul as to the truth of who I Am, and I yearned to know more and followed my Souls urging’s beyond the shores of my limited consciousness, questing to quench an unquenchable thirst, to regain what had been lost to me for so long, my connection to the God-Self within, that my Soul told me was God speaking to me to awaken now to the truth of who I Am. My Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment thereby began.


Initiatic Journey to Oneness: Saturday August 10th – 18th 2024

Roadmap for Creating the New Golden Age within 

Mt Shasta – Northern California USA

The Twelve Sacred Cosmic Rays and Flames of One Unity Consciousness

Awareness – Awakening – Acceptance – Ascension initiation – Ascended Masters

Archangels – Chohans of the Sacred Rays and Flames.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and Lord Zohar of Shambahla.

Contact: Amerissis Kumara

Email: amerissis.kumara@yahoo.com.au

Facilitator / Spiritual Teacher / Counsellor / Reiki Master / Author / Channel

Dr. Raelene Coad Ph.D. PsyThD. (Amerissis Kumara)

Costs: $800.00 – Administration costs only

Spiritual Guides: The Ascended Masters of the Twelve Sacred Rays & Flames of

One Unity Consciousness. Lemurian Heart Connection to attain oneness, 

One Unity Consciousness with your Inner Self.

During your inner journey you will be totally bathed in the love of the Sacred Rays & Flames of One Unity Consciousness energy. You will be initiated by Lord Melchizedek the Universal Logos of this Universe to receive the vibrations and frequencies of the Twelve Sacred Rays & Flames of One Unity Consciousness, that best suit you in your evolution to be in Oneness with yourself, others and God.

The New Golden Age begins with you: your embodiment of the attributes of the Sacred Twelve Rays & Flames of One Unity Consciousness, brings in the vibrations and frequencies necessary for the manifestation of the New Golden Age for Planet Earth.

You are the one creating your experiences, we assist you as spirit guides us, to help you achieve your goal for this initiatic retreat.

We provide the crucible for your experience, the Spiritual teachings of the Mirror Reflections,

Heart Connection and the Acceptance and Compassion for you in Your Journey.

You do the rest.

We will spend each day in nature and go to some of the most beautiful and highly energetic vortex

areas in the Mt Shasta region to facilitate your healing and inner journey.

Connect to Your Heart, and the Heart that is within the Sacred Rays & Flames.

Come and join us for this Amazing Experience in Mt Shasta, Northern California USA.

You will never think and feel the same about yourself and your lifetime again.

During the Retreat, you will experience the benefits of Powerful Prayers, Meditations, Channeled messages,

and the vibrations and frequencies of the Cosmic Rays & Flames as they are anchored into Planet Earth and the Universe.

For further information: menu – Twelve Sacred Rays & Flames Retreats

Please Contact: Dr. Raelene Coad, Ph.D., PsyThd. (Amerissis Kumara)

Mobile +61 0400 020 475 – please leave a short text message for me to get back to you.

Email: amerissis.kumara@yahoo.com.au

Website: cosmicascensionpathways.com.au


Discovering The 12 Sacred Rays and Flames has been one of the most life-changing events in my life. Each individual Ray brings to life a different attribute of our Divine nature. Applying these Rays in my personal relationships and to every aspect of my business life has been an experience equivalent to Alice Stepping Through the Looking Glass.

On one side is continual conflict, stress and even a certain hopelessness. And on the other side — beauty, purpose, harmony, and life-giving joy. It takes only a few minutes to apply any Ray to whatever you may be facing, then POOF — you are suddenly in another world. Almost hard to believe.

While you do this on your own (for me, nearly every day), having the world’s greatest teacher of the 12 Sacred Flames and Rays in the extraordinarily beautiful, wise and lovable form of Amerissis Kumara, is the most wonderful gift you will ever give yourself.

Dr. Michael Norwood – Sedona, Arizona USA

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Initiatic experience for the Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames.

I have participated in Amerissis’s Initiatic Retreat in Mt Shasta every summer for seven years. I will do so again as soon as it is offered.

I loved traveling to the most spectacular and singular power spots in nature in the Mt Shasta California area with a small group of spiritually minded people to practice prayer and meditation with the 12 Sacred Rays and Flames as our anchor.

I love Amerissis as a facilitator. She is a great leader: wise, humble, masterful, spiritually connected to Source. And she’s a great channeler of the Master’s and Lady Masters and Angelic beings that Overlight each Ray and Flame.

An incredible personally-felt connection with these Beings, their love and care, gets created through this communication and makes the work so pleasurable and fulfilling its hard to describe in words. I always feel safe and intimate within the groups she attracts. The check-ins, the daily use of the prayers, the variety of meditations in the various areas on the Mountain, the lakes, the rivers, inspire the soul to be all it can be.

I have changed so dramatically in seven years as to be almost unrecognizable from who I was. I love working with these Rays and Flames.

If you have found the Telos information compelling and feel attracted to working with the 12 Sacred Rays and Flames experientially, this is an opportunity to go deep with tools that you can take with you. Being in these spectacular power places in nature in and of itself, is healing to the mind, body, and soul. And Amerissis is a transcendent conduit of our shared, unfolding spiritual Divinity.

Sophia Arise – Bay Area San Francisco, California USA


At this time in the history of humanity when we are facing many challenges, it has been a great gift to be able to work with the powerful program of The Sacred Rays and Flames of the Cosmic Ascension Pathway. The intent for transformation both on a personal and universal level through the activation and anchoring of the attributes of each ray, takes one forward at a very intense level to experience connections well beyond the earthly realms.

The time taken for reflecting on the attributes of each Ray and Flame brought through an especially important aspect which was the ability to see within what was not in resonance in the moment and to be able to do the work needed for clearing.

The clearing of all that is not in harmony on a personal level is so imperative at this time in this journey of ascension, and of course transforms at the Universal level as well.

The continuing engagement with the Cosmic Beings through the special prayers contained within Amerissis’ ‘Cosmic Ascension Pathways’ manual is also a wonderful support and what I really loved as our group came together on zoom, was the prayer time Amerissis opened each session with. Amerissis’ dedication and support throughout is a very key factor in how you will -and insights to the synchronicities and experiences that take place along the way. The activation and anchoring of the Rays brings one into a place of humbleness and compassion for our Earth, for all its peoples, for Nature and for what is needed so urgently at this amazing time in our history.

As Amerissis has indicated, this programme is especially for those who hold the consciousness of working at a deep level to bring into manifestation a transformed way of being in our world where we can contribute in a very real way through heart centered purpose. Thank you Amerissis, it was a blessing to be a part of this journey.

With love, Deidre Heppell – Melbourne, Victoria Australia


I have studied the Rays and belong to an Ascension group where we work with the Rays.

I had yearned for something which would take me deeper into the Rays. Amerissis’ 6-month program where I immersed myself in the Rays through meditation and commands was an amazing experience.

I grew and expanded tremendously. I had some wonderful personal experiences with the Chohans, especially Lady Vessa Andromeda.

The meditations Amerissis’ led took me deeply within myself integrating the Rays more powerfully into my life. This will be a program which will continue to be part of my daily spiritual practice.

Cathy Chapman, PhD – Cottonwood, Arizona USA


As you Change the story of your current life and its effects upon you – to be positive, balanced and harmonious, you thereby Change your Life Forever, the experiences of your life, and your future incarnations, begin with the Changes you make today.


The Mission of Cosmic Ascension Pathways is unfolding within the world, the Universe, the Multiverses and Omniverses, this mission includes the Anchoring, Activation, Actualization and Amplification of the Cosmic Rays from the Source into Planet Earth, these Cosmic Rays are creating Cosmic Ascension Pathways throughout the Cosmos and are being channelled through Amerissis Kumara, an aspect of the Elohim from the Elohim Council of Elders at the God-head.


The Cosmic Rays once Anchored into Planet Earth, are then Amplified outwards into the Universe and Cosmic All, bringing great change to the energies that are now coming into the Planet, the Universe, Multiverses and Omniverses, from the Great, Great Central Sun at the God-head.

The Elohim Council of Elders, Co-creator Gods are channelling these Cosmic Rays into the Earth, the Universe, Multiverses and Omniverses, and thereby bringing about great changes for the Cosmic All.


Be Mindful and Heart Centred, Balanced and in Harmony at all times, because what you think and feel creates your life.

Be mindful of what you are creating in every now moment of time, and yet be in awareness, and the acceptance that ALL things are Divine Perfection, whether it be perceived as positive or negative, and know that from the experiences of either, great learning is achieved for your Soul, and that ALL creation is the Creation of God Consciousness, the Heart, Mind and Will of the Supreme Creator, without which, there would be nothing, all is in accordance with God’s Plan, and it could not be otherwise.


Awareness of who you are as the powerful creator of your own life, is one of the most important understandings that can learn in this incarnation, and from this, great wisdom is experienced, and through the Power of Words, you are awakened, and begin to become the Master of Your Destiny.

The Power of Words and their semantics have a powerful influence in our lives, setting the belief systems, patterns and programs by which we live and evolve in this lifestream.

The Power of Words, and their semantics, govern one’s life through our thoughts and thinking patterns, and one’s subconscious mind becomes programmed to be either in the positive or negative, and these positive and negative programs, formed from the meanings (semantics) that one has given to events, occurrence in one’s life, lead one into the causals and effects, that determine the directions that one takes in life.

When one changes the negative causal words of one’s thoughts and thinking, when one changes how the mind functions from the negative causal to the positive causal, the effects in one’s life change, and this is done through the Power of Words, and their semantics, and therefore the Mind of God, God’s Inner Presence – thinks and speaks through one, for the new words of one’s thinking are the Words of God, the God-Mind which is present and awakened within.

The Power of Words, the Words of God – the God-Mind Presence awakened within, achieves the One Unity Consciousness so desired of the Soul, and helps facilitate change in the World, because God’s Inner Presence speaks only words of Truth, Light, Love and the Oneness of All things in God’s Creation.

I am in gratitude for all the guidance I am receiving from the Mind of God, in this now moment of time. And . . .  So It Is!

Awaken to New Consciousness


Awakening means: Awakening to the truth of who you are, the enlightened being that you are already, because your Truth, the God-Self that you are, is within you, and you know this to be true, and you live your life as an awakened Soul, living a conscious centred life from your Heart, which will help you to achieve your Life Purpose, which includes Acceptance and Ascension to the 5th Dimension and beyond.


Acceptance that all is Divine Perfection, is often a difficult understanding to achieve, in that to believe that the many negative things in one’s life, humanity and the world, are necessary for the greater learning to be achieved, is somewhat confusing to the Mind, Heart and Soul of the Awakened, and yet from this Acceptance you become one with the Harmony Flame and are ready for the Halls of Ascension.


Ascension is the raising of one’s consciousness – to higher levels of thinking, emoting and living a Conscious and Heart Centered life.

Ascension to the 5th Dimension and beyond, comes to all eventually – as one achieves the necessary levels of purification required for Ascension, one is called by one’s mighty I Am Presence, and the Masters of the Ascension Flame and Ray, to the Temples of Ascension at Luxor Egypt, Telos Mt. Shasta or Shamballa of the Inner Realms; to walk with the Masters within the Halls of Ascension and be initiated by Lord Serapis Bey, Chohan of the Ascension Flame.