Prayer to Release and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is,

all the negative energies contained within my being, my Spirit energy, my four Body Systems

of Spirit/Soul, Mind/Emotion, Etheric and Physical Body – that have kept me in fear.

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is, the Akashic Records

of all my Past Lives that I have ever lived, including this current life incarnation.

All the negative energies that stem from events and incidence of the past are restored to

Peace, Balance, Harmony, Unconditional Love, Freedom and Forgiveness.

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is, All the Drama

and Stories that are held within my Subconscious Mind, I AM Living Free and I AM Forgiven

for all the beliefs of transgressions against  myself and toward others that I have held energetically

within my beingness.

I Invoke the Sacred Flames and Rays  to transmute and transform all meanings, beliefs, patterns

and programs contained within my Mind/Emotions, to the Balance and Harmony of the Divine

Perfection that is the Holy Spirit of God. “Love Is All That Is!  And … So It Is!”

Channeled by Amerissis Kumara –

Book: Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Key Prayers for Cosmic Ascension.


The Sacred Twelve Rays and Flames of God Consciousness.

#1 The Blue Ray: the Sacred Ray and Flame of God’s Will.                                                                                                            Prayer to the Chohan: Master El Morya for Guidance

 Beloved Master El Morya, Chohan of the Blue Ray and the Sacred Flame

of the Will of God, Great Spiritual Hierarchy of the Brotherhood of

the Diamond Heart, and Hierarchy of the Temple of Good Will.I Call upon you to assist me in my desire to

Surrender to the Will of God, and to hold within my being the Divine attributes of the Blue Ray – which are

courage, faith, initiative, dependability, divine power, self-reliance and certainty.

These are the qualities of the Divine Principle of The One,

the Ultimate, Supreme God of All Creation, the All That Is.

I Invoke the Holy Spirit of the Christ Light of God Consciousness;

that I AM the embodiment of these attributes.

I AM spiritually focused and disciplined in applying to my life the Divine

teachings of the Blue Ray, and I Request the aid of the Blue Flame Angels

to protect and guard me in my journey of exploration within myself.

I AM One with the Heart of God and I AM aware that I AM held

within the embrace of the Unconditional Love of All That Is.

Beloved Master El Morya, I Thank You for your service and life in guarding

and protecting the spiritual heart centers of the world, in all areas of movement and

spiritual growth that will bring into manifestation the changes that will restore the

human race to peace and harmony, and advance the evolution of Humanity.

Thy Will IS Done, Thy Will IS Done, and Thy Will IS Done, in this Now Moment.

Thank You, Beloved Master El Morya.

“And… So It Is!”

Channeled by Amerissis Kumara

Book: Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Key Prayers for Cosmic Ascension