Affirmation Meditation Treatments

Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #1: Blue Ray of the Will of God.


“I AM Protected already, because the Protective energy of the

Sacred Ray and Flame of God’s Will that protects all things,

surrounds me and resides within me. For this I am Grateful, And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #2: Yellow Ray of  Illumination Ray of Wisdom and Understanding

Illumination, Wisdom and Understanding:

“I AM illuminated with the Wisdom and Understanding of God Consciousness already

because, I AM Connected to the Source, my I AM Presence, the Mind of God is within me.

I give thanks for this. I Let it be so . . . And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #3: Rose Pink Cosmic Love Ray

Divine Self-Love:

“I AM Divine Self-Love already because, I have the Divine Sacred Ray and Flame of God’s Love

within me now. I am Eternally Grateful And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #4:  White Ray of Ascension: 


“I have ascended already, because the Sacred Ray and Flame of Ascension have

immersed me into the Christed Light Consciousness of The One,

the Supreme Creator God. I am Grateful and Give thanks. And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #5:  Green Ray of Healing 

Divine Healing:

“I AM Healthy already, because the Divine Healing powers of the

Sacred Ray and Flame of Healing surround me and permeate every atom,

cell and electron of my being. I Give Thanks for this Healing. And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #6: the Orange Ray Resurrection


“I AM the Resurrection of My Life to Immortality already, because the

Resurrection Ray and Flame are within my being, at all levels of my four body system.

For this I Am Grateful . . . And . . .  So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #7: the Violet Flame of Transmutation


“I AM the Violet Flame of Transmutation already, because

I am One with the Sacred Ray and Flame of Transmutation.

For this I Give Thanks. I Allow this to be So. And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #8: the Sea Green Ray of Transcendence


“I have Transcended, all my issues and problems already, because

the God-Power of the Sacred Ray and Flame of Transcendence,

is greater than any problem that I may have.

For this I Give Thanks. I Let it be so . . . And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #9 the Magenta Synthesis of Rays 1 to 7. Highest Potential

Highest Potentials:

“I have achieved my Highest Potentials already, because the

Sacred Ray and Flame of Highest Potentials is within me

and aides me to achieve success in my life. I Am Grateful for my Gifts.

I Allow this to be so . . . And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #10: Pearlescent Ray of Divinity

Inner Peace:

“I have attained Inner Peace already, because the Calm Inner Peace of the

Sacred Ray and Flame of Divinity is within me. For this Inner Peace in my life,

I am grateful. And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #11: Peach Ray of Illumine Truth

Awakened and Aware:

“I AM Awakened and Aware of the Truth of who I AM already, because

the Sacred Ray and Flame within me reflects the Divine Truth of the Mind of God.

I Am Eternally Grateful for this Truth. And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Ray and Flame #12, the Golden Ray of Transfiguration and Oneness


“I AM One with myself already, because I AM One with the

Golden Sacred Ray and Flame of Transfiguration and Oneness.

For this I give thanks. And . . . So It Is!”


Sacred Cosmic Rays and Flame for the United Twelve Sacred Flames and Rays


“I AM in Union with the United Twelve Sacred Flames Rays already, because

I AM One with my True God-Self essence within me.

I am Eternally Grateful for this Union. And . . . So It Is!”


Cosmic Ascension

My Mighty I Am Presence:

“I Affirm and Declare that my Mighty I Am Presence, resides within me and

with ease and grace all my energy fields are STABLISED to Balance and Harmony now.

I Thank my I Am Presence for this Stability. And . . . So It Is!”


After each of affirmations say the following:



Prayer Treatments


“Divine Universal Mind, my Beloved Creator, whose Spirit and Light live within me . . .

I Affirm and Declare that YOU are intuitively guiding me in my exercise of

FREE WILL that I may always be creating a POSITIVE PREDESTINY.

For This I am Grateful . . . I Allow it to be so . . .




“I call upon the Universal Father/Mother God, whose Divine Spirit and Light dwells within me . . .

I Affirm and Declare that through Your Inner Healing Light, Love and Grace,

I can survive Every Difficult Period in my life, and move into an even greater period in my life.

For this I Am Eternally Grateful . . . I Allow it to be so . . .




“Beloved Father/Mother God, whose Spirit, Light and Love

resides within me. I Affirm and Declare You to be as my Teacher

Guide, Instructor and Healer in all things and with All humanity.

For this I AM Eternally Grateful . . . I Allow this to be so . . .

AND . . . SO IT IS!”