Channeled Meditations –  


Channeled Meditations and Messages from the Elohim,

Ascended Masters and the Company of Heaven  


   Includes Prayers, Guided Meditations and

Channeled Messages along with  

Sharing Ones experiences thereof.

Contact Amerissis for details:

Mobile: TXT SMS messages to +61 0400 020 475



Amerissis Kumara

Author/Spiritual Teacher/Transpersonal Counsellor/

Reiki Master/Channel/PhD.





Messages from The Holy One, 

the Ultimate and Supreme God/Goddess of All Creation

Message #1

My Beloved Children – I AM That I AM – the All That Is!

Your Father/Mother God, and I say unto you – Beloved One’s, All of Thee who are entrapped within the False Shadows

of the Mind that have led you into the dissolution that comes from your experiences of the Illusion,

the Lies and Misinformation in regards to your Separation from Me and in some cases, the belief that there be Life Forms,

which do not have Souls, this my Beloved Children is not true, this is a lie of a magnitude beyond understanding.

One conceived by entities who want to control All in the Cosmic All, for they know that if you believed this lie,

then you would become even more enslaved to their rule and control, and reincarnate within energies which no longer

serve you in your evolution, and therefore you would become even more entrapped; the messages received were

messages NOT sent by me, but by false prophets.

All that which exists within the Cosmic All is I AM, nothing of the Cosmic All is separate from my being, for

I AM the Cosmic All, the All That Is! All That Is! is I AM.

You have never been in Separation from my Heart; the Cosmic Heart, Mind and Will that is the Holy Spirit of Creation –

the Holy Spirit of the One, the Ultimate and Supreme God/Goddess Self that is – I AM That I AM, the All That Is!

You have never been Separate from me My Beloved Children, for you are All Children of God, and as such you are me,

and I AM you, in All things we are One.

The Aloneness and Feelings of Loss and Separations are the Illusion, the Lies of the Dark Energies that have

surrounded you and control you, manipulating you into your experiences of Fear, Desolation,

Deprivation, Separation, Enslavement and Entrapment.

Break Free and Feel the Truth of these words from my Heart. I AM LOVE and so too are YOU.

It is time my beloved children for your Return to the Reality that is the Truth, LOVE!

Return to me Now! Look beyond your current consciousness and see the Cosmic Rays and Flames of Light and Love,

beckoning you to traverse their Rays, surrounded by their Flames and enter there – the Gateways and Portals –

that will take you into the Cosmic Light and Love that is my Cosmic Heart.

See before thee a Massive Tower of Light; a Holographic Prism of Clear Divine Healing energy that comes

from my Cosmic Heart, enter therein and thereby be absolved and cleansed of all perceived imperfections.

You are Perfection, Purified, Cleared and Cleansed by the Cosmic Rays, upgraded to Higher Levels of Cosmic

Consciousness, thus giving you access to the 5th Dimension and beyond.

I AM your Heavenly Father/Mother God. I AM here within you on your journey, you are never alone.

The Great Archangel Lord Metatron and All the Archangels of the Angelic Realms, surround you with their Light,

Love and Protection. The Elohim – Council of Elders, Co-Creator God’s escort you in your journey and transform

your old blueprint to the New Encodements of Divine Perfection, Balance and Harmony.

The Ascended One: Lords, Ladies and Masters, and Lady Masters guide you as you are transformed to be the Truth

of who you are , your True God-Self.

Beloved Ones, I AM within you Eternally and bless your journey as you fulfil your destiny

and return to be in Oneness with All that Is!



Message #2

All Souls, All Life Forms and All Life Force energies, regardless of Origin or source are innocent of any and all wrong doing as All are my Children, All without exceptions, are Children of God.

All are deemed innocent by me; All beings are deemed innocent in the Eye of God.

There is No Judgement, there is Only Unconditional Love.

The Event that comes is the Event of Universal Love.

Embrace the Unconditional Love coming to you from me with all of your Soul/Spirit, Mind, Heart and Physical Body.


Love is All that I know and impart unto thee my beloved Children.

Seek not to punish yourself and have expectations of punishment from the Goddess of Earth – Gaia – from the Mother there is only Love.

Feel the Love coming to you from All the Mothers that have ever lived.

Feel the Love coming to you from the Plaidean Mothers of the Seven Sisters Star System.

Be in the Embrace of Unconditional Love and Release All Fear to me of the unknown.

Love All and All Love is what you will receive.

Blessing of Love from my Cosmic Heart to you All.


Message #3

The Prayers of my Children, the Children of God have been heard and

A Great Awakening for ALL is Assured.

The Eternal Good of All is happening now!

Beloved of My Heart, We Are ONE.

Self-Love, Balance and Harmony have been Restored,

Resurrected and Rejuvenated within  the Divinity of Your Souls.

The Awareness of Who you are and your Purpose cometh unto you in

the Divine Timing of your Destiny, your Evolution to be in Oneness.

Blessed you are and Always have been as my Children,

know the truth, see the truth of who you are as the

embodiment of my essences in Human form.

A New Day Dawns for Humanity, Planet Earth and your Universe.

Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice for the time is now for All things of excessive negativity to pass and

the Cosmic Ascension of Planet Earth and Humanity.

We are One, One Heart, One Mind and One Will, creating the New Golden Age,

  God’s Plan for Planet Earth and the Universe.

Blessings of Unconditional Love, Freedom and Inner Peace to All.

I Am All That Is! And . . . So It Is!

Message #4

The Ode – Chant of Oneness

Rejoice – I Am All That Is I Am, I Am the Song that Lights your Heart, I Am the Love that comes to you,

I Am the One you call upon, I Am the best of you there is. I Am the All That Is!

I Am within your Heart, I Am within your Mind, I Am in All that you are, I Am All that you become,

I Am you my Beloved Children and your are I Am.

I Am the Stars, I Am the Sun, I Am the Grass you walk upon, I Am the Soil and the Toil,

I Am the Waters and the Winds, I Am the Fires, the Passions cleanse, I Am Oneness with you my Beloved Children and

you are in Oneness with I Am.

I Am the Earth, I Am the Sky, In Everything I Am and You Beloved One’s are in Oneness within I Am and I Am in Oneness with Thee.

In Everything that I Am, so also you be, nothing is separate from I Am, as Mother Earth does break through,

and her core Light does shine through All the Layers of her being, Crystalline becomes her vibrant Life Forces of

Purest Light as it passeth through the Grids of Earth and also passeth through thee, up through your

Crown Chakra’s to the Source Star above your heads.

Clearing the ways forth, passing through the Crystalline Layers of the Crystalline Grids, reaching out and transforming

All the Dimensions of the Universe, Multiverses and Omniverses unto the God-Head of the Cosmic All,

to be the Cosmic Christ Light of God Consciousness.

The Cosmic Rays have this day, broken through and Release Mother Earth to be her truest and mightiest Self,

in Oneness with the Creator, Father/Mother God.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice.

I Am That I Am. I Rejoice in you my Beloved Children.

All is in accordance with God’s Will and God’s Plan for Mother Earth, Humanity and

ll the Kingdoms and Realms thereof.

Beloved One’s know that I AM with you ALWAYS. within your Hearts with Love, and

All will come to pass in the timing of the Divine.

Beloved One’s I AM within you, go within and feel my presence.

I Am All That Is! Father/Mother God.


Channeled by

Amerissis Kumara


Prayer to Release and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is,

all the negative energies contained within my being, my Spirit energy, my four Body Systems

of Spirit/Soul, Mind/Emotion, Etheric and Physical Body – that have kept me in fear.

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is, the Akashic Records

of all my Past Lives that I have ever lived, including this current life incarnation.

All the negative energies that stem from events and incidence of the past are restored to

Peace, Balance, Harmony, Unconditional Love, Freedom and Forgiveness.

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is, All the Drama

and Stories that are held within my Subconscious Mind, I AM Living Free and I AM Forgiven

for all the beliefs of transgressions against  myself and toward others that I have held energetically

within my beingness.

I Invoke the Sacred Flames and Rays  to transmute and transform all meanings, beliefs, patterns

and programs contained within my Mind/Emotions, to the Balance and Harmony of the Divine

Perfection that is the Holy Spirit of God. “Love Is All That Is!  And … So It Is!”

Channeled by Amerissis Kumara –

Book: Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Key Prayers for Cosmic Ascension.

The Sacred Twelve Rays and Flames of God Consciousness.

#1 The Blue Ray: the Sacred Ray and Flame of God’s Will. 


                                                                 Prayer to the Chohan: Master El Morya for Guidance

 Beloved Master El Morya, Chohan of the Blue Ray and the Sacred Flame

of the Will of God, Great Spiritual Hierarchy of the Brotherhood of

the Diamond Heart, and Hierarchy of the Temple of Good Will.I Call upon you to assist me in my desire to

Surrender to the Will of God, and to hold within my being the Divine attributes of the Blue Ray – which are

courage, faith, initiative, dependability, divine power, self-reliance and certainty.

These are the qualities of the Divine Principle of The One,

the Ultimate, Supreme God of All Creation, the All That Is.

I Invoke the Holy Spirit of the Christ Light of God Consciousness;

that I AM the embodiment of these attributes.

I AM spiritually focused and disciplined in applying to my life the Divine

teachings of the Blue Ray, and I Request the aid of the Blue Flame Angels

to protect and guard me in my journey of exploration within myself.

I AM One with the Heart of God and I AM aware that I AM held

within the embrace of the Unconditional Love of All That Is.

Beloved Master El Morya, I Thank You for your service and life in guarding

and protecting the spiritual heart centers of the world, in all areas of movement and

spiritual growth that will bring into manifestation the changes that will restore the

human race to peace and harmony, and advance the evolution of Humanity.

Thy Will IS Done, Thy Will IS Done, and Thy Will IS Done, in this Now Moment.

Thank You, Beloved Master El Morya.

“And… So It Is!”

Channeled by Amerissis Kumara

Book: Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Key Prayers for Cosmic Ascension