Awaken to New Consciousness

Cosmic Ascension Pathways –


Begin the New Year with a commitment to Ascend to Higher Levels of Consciousness.

Begin your studies with this book by Amerissis Kumara, it is filled with many processes and tips that will assist you in raising your conscious awareness to the level required for ascension to the 5th Dimension and beyond.


The Prayers in this book are designed to activate you unconscious mind to react, as they are written in the positive and are meant to assist one in the recognition of negative causes happening in life that are creating negative effects that need to be transfigured from the old encodement’s within, (old paradigms that need to be changed and this happens through the process of reframing the old meanings and beliefs to new meanings and beliefs that will bring balance and harmony to the masculine and feminine principles within you, thereby allowing you to create success and happiness into your life.

Being mindful

Mirror Reflections and Psychic Protection

Learn about the Mirrors which are reflected at you, how to recognize them and how to change those mirrors, by changing what those mirrors represent.

Learn how to Release and Handover the Negative energy contained within all levels of one’s being to Source, and also learning how to change one’s belief systems, therefore one’s programs to the Positive Causal and thus create in one’s life the Positive Effects

Psychic Protection is necessary in these times of great change; one must learn how to protect oneself from psychic attack and attachments of cords from others and to also protect your family, house and car.

The Power of Prayers and Affirmation Treatments

Learn how the Power of Prayers can change your life, and how to develop Affirmations Treatments, that when expressed in a positive affirmative manner also bring about change.

Learn how to recognize the negative causal programs held within the subconscious mind, and how to change them to positive causal programs, thus producing the positive effects that can change your life.

The Power of Words and their Semantics

The power of words and their semantics, through one’s thoughts or the spoken words, govern one’s life, creating the positive or negative causals that manifest the positive or negative effects in one’s life.

Learn how to be mindful and be in control of what you create in your life.

Live a Conscious Centered Life.

Creating a Sacred Space within your Home

Learn how to create a Sacred Space or temple within your home using the Sacred Flames and Rays of One Unity Consciousness, forming a Crystal Grid using the Crystals and Gemstones that relate to each of the Sacred Flames and Rays.

Anchoring the Universal Rays and Flames into Planet Earth via the zoom course.

Receive an Initiation from the Universal Logos; Lord Melchizedek, that will enable you to Anchor, Activate, Actualize and Amplify, the Universal Rays and Flames into Planet Earth and the Universe. Invocations for the Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames are included in the manual. You will experience the Energy of the Anchored Sacred Rays and Flames throughout your beingness, and also learn how to Anchor these Rays into Planet Earth.