Ray 1 – The Will of God Flame and Ray

Throat Chakra – Lapis Lazuli

The Diamond Heart

Breathing gently into your abdomen and then breathing out, release all tension and listen to the vibrations and frequencies of The Stone of Truth. As the Crystal Bowl sings into your being… the energy of integrity and prosperity, the vibrations and frequencies of the Lapis Lazuli, and the Diamond Heart of Beloved Master El Morya resonate within you. Feel the energy enhancing your Wisdom, Inner Vision and Mental/Emotional Clarity and Certainty.

Feel the vibrations and frequencies of Serenity and Loving Acceptance of yourself, as they expand within you, encouraging you to express your inner voice, your inner power. And they purify your Spirit, Mental and Emotional thoughts and feelings to Truth, Integrity and Prosperity.

As you Breathe in the Vibrate energy of the Lapis Lazuli to the Throat Chakra, feel the support of the energy as you interact with your Mighty I AM Presence and your Spirit Guardians from the Temple of Good Will. Sense within you, the vibrations of the Security and Safety that is felt there from the Protection of the Mighty I AM Presence.

I invite you to relax and let go of all tensions in your body. Take three deep breaths, each one deeper than the previous one. Release all thoughts and emotions, thus becoming even more relaxed in your Body, Mind and Soul. Focus and connect to the Sacred Chambers of your Heart.

Take several very deep breaths, breathing in slowly and releasing, expelling any feelings of tension and mental, emotional or physical stress from your beingness. Consciously ask your Divine I AM Presence or your Higher Self to take you on a journey within, to the Temple of Good Will. You arrive there in your personal Merkebah, accompanied by one of your guides.

Notice a fairly large opalescent blue structure, quite tall, in the form of a six-sided pyramid. As you approach, everything around you resonates with the beautiful Blue Ray energy of Good Will; it is so refreshing and soothing.

Walk up the mother-of-pearl stairway to the main entrance of the Temple, where you will be greeted by the Masters and Lady Masters of the Blue Ray and the Blue Flame Angels. Observe and feel the majestic blue mist emanating from various high fountains situated all around the Temple.

Many varieties of blue flowers are growing in white and gold boxes; all are flourishing in great abundance around the fountains, including sweet forget-me-nots.

Walk now through the entrance with your Guides, and there you will be welcomed by three Blue Flame Angels, who are there to escort you into the main Hall of Good Will.

As you enter into the large hallway, see a transparent chamber in the centre containing a huge Blue Flame Diamond, around 15 to 18 feet high, the biggest diamond that you will ever see. Your Guides invite you to enter that Sacred Chamber. The Diamond contains several thousand facets, each one representing a different aspect of the Diamond Heart of the Divine Will.

When you come into the Sacred Chamber of the Divine Will, you are greeted by Master El Morya, a tall being with deep-set eyes. He is wearing a blue robe partially covered with a luminescent white cape, with a turban on his head and a shining Diamond Star at its centre.

He greets and welcomes you to his Diamond Heart, and invites you to sit on one of the “blue flame” cushions. He now guides you to focus on the energy of that Diamond Heart and to breathe in the energies, so that you can take back as much of this energy as possible, with you when you return to your physical body.

Take a few deep breaths. Intend for the energies of this huge Diamond to magnetize and absorb your fears, and for them to be released and healed by the Blue Flame of God’s Will. As you surrender your fears from your heart, you will receive a tremendous healing of Divine Love.

Breathe deeply and exhale, releasing all the tension from your body. Now connect with your Higher Self who is standing there with you.

Your Mighty I AM Presence, the unlimited being that is really who you are, is waiting for all your fears to be released into the Blue Flame and Ray and thus healed. Connect with this Divine Presence. When you feel ready, make your commitment to surrender all the fears that have kept you in so much pain, to your Mighty I AM Presence, so that you can be Resurrected to the New Encodements of Divine Perfection.

Keep breathing in this wonderful Blue Flame energy, as much as you can, right into your Lungs and into your Abdomen and Heart. Do this consciously because you want to bring this energy back into your physical body, so that it is with you from this day forward. Also, know that all of your multi-dimensional aspects and all the beings of the Light Realm are supporting your journey home to Divine Grace.

In ease and grace, your journey home is accomplished in this now moment. You are not alone in your journey, as you have so much love and support available to you. You can do it, if you choose to do so.

Feel the soothing action of the Blue Flame. It has its own way of bringing you comfort and lessening all your pains. Now Master El Morya has a gift for you, as you sit in front of the Diamond in the Temple. He is going to superimpose a smaller etheric Diamond of total perfection, radiating the qualities of the Blue Flame and Ray essence, within the Sacred Chambers of your Heart, right within the energetic centre of your own Sacred Heart.

This Diamond will reflect to you the Divine Perfection of that Diamond Heart that you are, within the Sacred Chambers of Your Heart.

With this gift, the perfection of the Diamond Heart will be reflected to you constantly, as long as you choose to work with it.

Ask your Beloved Higher Self to show you which facets of the Diamond are still holding pain, or attitudes that need to be healed and aligned.

The Diamond you have just received will continue to reflect everything you need, and so complete the Opening and Healing of your Heart. It will take you to the path of surrender with joy and grace. It is alive and vibrant; its colour reflects a luminous peacock blue.

Keep breathing in its energies, with allowance and surrender to what is. Be resolute in walking this path, and feel free to communicate with your Guides. Stay with this energy for a while, and be thankful for the grace you have just received.

The Diamond Heart also has a vibration of Self-Confidence. Tap into this energy to assist you to release your fears, so that your surrender can be accomplished gracefully.

Call upon the Blue Ray Masters to assist you, as they are available to you at this or any time.

We invite you to return to this healing place often to meditate with us on the Will of God. When you feel that you are complete, return to your body, taking this treasure with you to help you in every way possible to achieve your Life Purpose.

When you are ready, open your eyes, and return to the room, feeling truly refreshed, confident and at ease. “And… So It Is!”

The Temple of Good Will Is Always Open to You.


Ray 2 – The Illumination Flame and Ray

Crown Chakra – Citrine

 Wisdom and Understanding

Breathe deeply into your abdomen. As you relax into you beingness, you feel the energy of the Citrine coursing through your meridian system and resonating through your four Body Systems.

Listen to the Sounds of the Citrine Quartz Crystal, and feel the resonance of the Citrine Deva as the energy amplifies its joyful vibrations, passing through your physical body, mental and emotional bodies, and filling your Soul with the Golden Yellow Energy of pure frequencies that align the Base and Solar Plexus Chakras with the Crown Chakra.

Feel the vibration and frequency waves of the Citrine, as it dissolves and transmutes the negative energies while purifying and balancing the etheric and auric fields, cleansing and clearing you to optimum health, vitality, wealth and joy.

Known as the Merchant Stone, Citrine with its beautiful energy expands and maintains the wealth and prosperity of your Soul with waves upon waves of vibrant frequency, acting as a catalyst for enlightened communication, mental strength and new beginnings of enhanced optimism, balance, initiative and personal power.

Breathe in the frequencies of the Citrine and feel the crystalline energy structure within you, resonate and hum in response, responding with Awareness and Joy. Relax and Respond to the Resonance within you. Breathe in deeply and breathe out all that is not of Divine Light. Breathe in again. As you breathe in, inhale the Light body Energy that surrounds you. Feel and see this Crystalline Light-body Energy cleans your many energy fields that are you. Your Light body will sparkle with a new vitality and your electromagnetic fields will encompass your being with energy that has a higher light quotient level.

            This quotient level will be for your highest good and the highest good of all, raising your vibration and frequency to levels that will enable you to hear your heart singing to you. You will see your I AM Presence and Higher Self and your Guides as they speak with you of your mission here on Planet Earth; that you will assist the Mother Goddess of Earth in her Journey of Ascension.

            Settling yourself even deeper into your being, you are totally relaxed now…  Totally relaxed, more than you have ever been before go deeper and deeper into your Soul. Breathe into the breath that is the Universal Bliss. Feel the Sacred Flame and Ray of Illumination and Wisdom surround you, saturating your energy fields with wave upon wave of Yellow Fire Flames.

Image yourself within these flames and rays as they embrace you with their powerful light.  Feel the presence of Lord Lanto, Master Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya, as they stand beside your Mighty I AM Presence in the Sacred Chambers of your Heart, embrace the Wisdom and Understanding that they are, and become this within your Inner Beingness.

Listen to the Guidance from these Masters of Wisdom and Knowledge. Take the time to ask them any questions that you desire from your heart. Taking a few deep breaths, feel calm and clear in the Certainty of Who You Are and what you need to know in this now moment of time, with all the Understanding and Wisdom that you already are, because the Sacred Flame and Ray of Illumination of Wisdom and Understanding is within you.

In a few moments, taking whatever time you need, be in gratitude to Lord Lanto, Master Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya for all their Wisdom and Understanding.  Come back into this space and retain the feelings of Inner Calmness, Peace and Tranquility that your connection with your Mighty I AM Presence, Higher Self and the Masters of Illumination, Wisdom and Understanding have bought unto you. “And… So It Is!”

Let Go, relax and be the Beacon of Light that you are.


Ray 3 – The Cosmic Love Flame and Ray

Heart Chakra – Crystal Rose Quartz


Breathe into your Heart. As you breathe into the Sacred Chambers of your Heart and the Vibrant Frequency of the Crystal Rose Quartz Energy of Self- Love, you are transformed in your Heart and the Innate Love of Yourself is Activated and Energized.

You are Healed of ALL emotional pain and trauma from your past. You are Calm and you feel the Serenity of Inner Harmony – that is the wondrous energy of the Rose Quartz Crystal as it encompasses your Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul.

You are Relaxed and you are Free. As you Let Go and Release all the tension from your Body to the Rose Crystal Quartz Energy, all your Chakra Centers are Aligned and in Resonance with the Gentle Love Vibration that is the Rose of Self Love.

Feel the Transformational vibrations of Love, as they surround your relationship with yourself and your Divine I AM Presence. You are in Total Acceptance of the Unconditional Love of your Divine I AM.

Breathe in deeply and breathe out all that is not of Divine Love.

Breathe in again. As you breathe in, inhale the Crystalline Energy that surrounds you. Feel and See this Crystalline Energy cleanse your many Energy Fields that are you. Your Crystalline Fields will sparkle with a new vitality, and your Electromagnetic Fields will encompass your being with Energy that is of a Higher Light Quotient Level.

This quotient level will be for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of All. It will raise your vibration and frequency to levels that will enable you to hear your Heart Singing to you. You will see your Mighty I AM Presence, Higher Self and your Guides speak with you of your Mission here on Planet Earth, and how you will assist Planet Earth in her Journey of Cosmic Ascension.

Settle yourself even deeper into your being. You are totally relaxed now… Totally relaxed, more than you have ever been before. You are going deeper and deeper into your Soul.

Feel the Sacred Flame and Ray of Cosmic Love Surround you. Master Paul the Venetian, the Chohan of the Sacred Flame and Ray of Cosmic Love, and all the Masters and Lady Masters of the Cosmic Flame of Love are present with you in this now moment of time.

            As you enter the Sacred Chambers of your Heart, the Sacred Chambers that are in the center of your Heart, hear your Heart Sing the Song of Love.

Singing the many Sounds of Creation, you will be in Joy – for you are then One with all things. The Sounds that are emanating from your Heart are the Sounds of the forgotten language, the language of Heart Oneness – which we once were, and knew as the only language, the language of Love. It united us all, human to human, human to all other beings of Nature, and all other Kingdoms and Realms that share this wonderful Planet.

From Your very Heart, your Songs of Life come forth to embrace us all in the Resonance that is Love, Light and Truth. The Sacred Flames and Rays of Cosmic Love embrace you with waves upon waves of Unconditional Love, throughout all levels of your beingness.

From Your Very Heart, the Love Songs of Creation come forth to amplify the Heart of God and Manifest great JOY from within your Heart, which encompasses all living things. As you live from your Heart, you become more and more enlightened, and you move through the many mansions of The One, the Ultimate and Supreme God of All Creations, to become that Oneness of who you really are as a Co-Creator God!

            Relax! Relax! Relax! Breathe deeply into your Heart and merge with your Mighty I AM Presence within the Sacred Chambers that are there within your Heart. Feel the Heartbeat of your Body and your Soul. Feel the Heartbeat of the Universe that is within you. And feel the Sacred Fire of Passionate Love and Compassion, encapsulate your entire beingness.

You are One with All That Is. You are All That Is. Be Still and Surrender to the Heart, Mind and Will of God. Know that you are connected with your Mighty I AM Presence within the Sacred Chambers of your Heart.

Prepare yourself to return to the Room and to be in the Present Moment of time. Do whatever you need to do to bring yourself back into the Now.

Be in Gratitude for All that you have received from the Sacred Flame and Ray of Cosmic Love, the Rose Crystal Quartz and Master Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Sacred Flame and Ray of Cosmic Love. “And… So It Is!”

Divine Love You Are!