Surrender to the possibilities and they become actualities.

Allow the Flames to permeate and saturate you entirely.

Simply be in their energy and trust.

The Sacred Flames and Rays are energized from the Source that is The One, the Ultimate, and Supreme God of All Creations, the All That Is. They are one of the greatest gifts that have been bestowed upon Humanity in our lifetime. They are for the healing of all Humanity, all Kingdoms and Realms of Planet Earth, this Universe the Multiverses and the Omniverse.

Know that when you call upon the Sacred Flames and Rays of Christed Light of God Consciousness, they come to your aid instantly and begin their wondrous healing and guidance immediately.

Surrender your doubts to your Mighty I AM Presence and Invoke the Sacred Flames and Rays of the Will of God and Illumination. This will enable you to surrender, let go and receive the Wisdom and Understanding needed for you Inner Growth.

Ask for and allow the Sacred Flames and Rays to be with you, in you and surround your life with Healing, Guidance, Wisdom and Understanding, and then All in your life will be Divine Perfection.

If you discover any resistance to the idea of the Sacred Flames and Rays being within you and around your auric field, call in your Mighty I AM Presence, and request that you receive the Wisdom and Understanding about this resistance. What it is all about? What part of you is rejecting the aid of the Sacred Flames and Rays? What is the purpose of this resistance?

Work with this part of you and explain the Positive Benefits of the Sacred Flames and Rays. In that they can bring healing for your Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being, as well as Spiritual Growth. They can help to resurrect you to the New Encodements of Divine Perfection, as decreed by The One, the Ultimate and Supreme God of All Creations.

The Sacred Flames and Rays have the Power to help you, but you are the one that has to make the decision on what help you desire.

The Sacred Flames and Rays do not make the choices for you. It is all done in accordance with your Divine Will for this incarnation. The Divine Will of your Spiritual God-Self that is your True-Self, has the plan for your life-stream and evolution, and ensures that everything needed for your life is manifested as required.

Prayer to Release and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is,

all the negative energies contained within my being, my Spirit energy,

my four Body Systems of Spirit/Soul, Mind/Emotion, Etheric and

Physical Body – that have kept me in fear.

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is,

the Akashic Records of all my Past Lives that I have ever lived,

including this current life incarnation. All the negative energies that stem from events

and incidence of the past are restored to Peace, Balance, Harmony, Unconditional Love,

Freedom and Forgiveness.

I Surrender and Relinquish to the Divine Light of Source, the All That Is,

All the Drama and Stories that are held within my Subconscious Mind,

I AM Living Free and I AM Forgiven for all the beliefs of transgressions

against myself and toward others that I have held energetically within my beingness.

I Invoke the Sacred Flames and Rays  to transmute and transform all meanings,

beliefs, patterns and programs contained within my Mind/Emotions, to the

Balance and Harmony of the Divine Perfection that is the Holy Spirit of God.

“Love Is All That Is!  And … So It Is!”


Prayer for Protection

I AM protected always by the Will of God.

I AM protected by my Mighty I AM Presence.

I Call upon the Sacred Flame and Ray of the Will of God to

Saturate my beingness with waves upon waves of Blue Flame Fire.

I AM positive in all situations and I speak my truth.

I AM calm and in discernment no matter what is said to me.

I AM in my Power and Empowered by my Divinity.

I Stay true to my inner self and my inner guidance.

I Remain peaceful, tranquil and compassionate in the now moment.

I Embrace the Energy of the Blue Flame Angels of Protection.

The Blue Flame Angels protect and guard my beingness,

As I go forth in life, I AM courageous, faithful, in control of my Destiny.

I AM strong and I AM my Spiritual God-Self State.

I AM the Love of my Holy Christed Light Self.

Archangel Michael and the Divine Complement Lady Faith

I Thank You for your Guidance and Wisdom.

 I AM in Gratitude for Your Protection and the

Protection of the Sacred Blue Flames and Rays of God’s Will.

I AM protected in all areas of my life.

Protected I AM! “And… So Is It!”


Prayer to Master Adama of Telos

Beloved Master Adama, of Telos and the Telosian Council of Elders,

Beloved Masters and Lady Masters of the Temples for the Sacred Flames in Telos,

the Archangels and their Divine Complements and all members of the Galactic Federation

residing in Telos in this now moment.

I AM here this day in the Temple of my Heart, the Sacred Chambers of my Heart and

 I AM open to receive from you the Blessings of Love and Harmony that are the energies of Telos

and all my brothers and sisters who are in Telos and within the Telos Communities, around the World.

I AM in Deepest Gratitude for Your Unconditional Love and the Light of Harmony that you are in

bringing to me this day, the wonders of your Wisdom, Understanding and Truth.

I AM in Deepest Gratitude for the teachings that you have personally delivered to us,

your family upon the surface of this beautiful planet, our home, Mother Earth.

I AM in Deepest Gratitude for your presence in the Earth, for Mother Earth,

Humanity and All the Kingdoms of Earth.

I Thank You from the Sacred Chambers of My Heart to Your Hearts, for the Divine Service

that you have been to the One, the Supreme Creator God.

I AM open to be with You and for You to be with me in this Now moment,

I Kneel before the Alter of my Heart in Worship to the Cosmic Light of Christ and

I Receive an infusion of Light from the Great Central Sun, and with this infusion of Light

I AM in my own reunification, I AM connected with the Divinity that I AM

and the Great Plan of Light that is my beloved I AM Presence.

I AM open in the Sacred Chambers of my Heart to encompass the

massive energies of transformation as they come to me with ease and grace,

I Feel your embrace and my entire beingness is encapsulated with the energies of Unconditional Love

and Harmony that is Lemurian, the Heart of Lemuria.

I AM in profound humbleness, as I AM in awareness of the Service that you are and image to us all,

and I AM as you are, a devoted servant to the All That Is, the One, the Supreme Creator God of the Cosmic All.

I AM in One Unity Consciousness now, I give thank to All that Is.

And . . . So It Is!  Amen!