Reiki Aura Clearance Sessions

Process aids in the clearing of old energies held within the auric fields of the physical body. Energies from traumatic experiences of this life incarnation or previous lifetimes, which are impacting on your current life and appear to be difficult to proceed beyond in releasing patterns and programs that no longer serve you in your life. This process is similar to psychic surgery, in that the procedure removes energies from the aura, that can and do impact the wellbeing of the physical body.

Healing Session includes a Reiki Treatment.

Duration of Session 1 and 1/2 hours

Cost: $120.00 – cash or

Pre-bookings: Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday afternoons

Open : 1:00 pm to 5.00 pm


Mobile: 0400 020 475

Location: Banora Point NSW 2486