Twelve Sacred Rays & Flames – 2024

Working with the Rays of Oneness

Zoom workshop – Weekly.


The attributes of the 12 Sacred Rays and Flames of God Consciousness from the Elohim Co-Creator Gods of the Godhead

are what we need to embody for the creation of the New Golden Age of Oneness, within ourselves, coming from the Heart.

The Roadmap for the New Golden Age contains the attributes of All the Twelve Rays and Flames of God Consciousness

that are required for the manifestation of the New Age.

The Zoom Classes will focus on one Ray each week – inner work involves Prayers, Affirmation Treatments, Visualization, Meditation & Channeling’s.

This is a powerful course, facilitating enormous changes and shifts in consciousness, assisting each person to attain their Ascension is this lifetime.

Free manual about the Rays sent on enrolment.

Dates: Sunday September 15th – 14 Weeks

Time:7.00 pm – 8.00 pm

Cost: $350.00 USD 

Begins with an Introduction session – then Weekly sessions.

A session on each of the Rays 1 to 12 (over 14 weeks) and an Initiation.

Participants receive a manual about each of the Rays weekly,

to work with throughout the week.

Cosmic Ascension Pathways books by Amerissis Kumara.

 Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Key Prayers for Cosmic Ascension 

(Required reading during workshop activities and zoom seminar meetings).

Books Available through, Balboa Press & Booktopia 


Workshop Overview

Daily activities: Each week participants will explore their Inner Self daily,

with Prayer Treatments, Self-programming meditations,

Visualization processes and Affirmation Treatments, and

these procedures will help to access the unconscious mind, and aid in

the release and resolving of old paradigm negative belief systems, and

replacing them with new positive thinking and emotions, which will change

the old cause and effect patterns and programs within one’s unconscious mind,

to be positive causals and therefore positive effects, manifesting

positive outcomes in one’s physical life.

For Further Details Contact: Amerissis Kumara Ph.D. PsyThd







Rays and Flames Zoom workshops

I recently participated in the Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames zoom workshops, given by Amerissis Kumara and I highly recommend it.

Amerissis gives a direct experience of the Rays through tools she provides to feel and identify what they hold as Highest Potential in each of us.

The tools themselves are amazing, as is her ability to facilitate group and individual process. The insights and guidance’s she provides come from the highest aspects of consciousness Itself, and her meditations take us directly to those realms for serenity and expansiveness.

I have found that working with the Rays regularly has brought me greater clarity, acceptance, connection with Source, and expanded my ability to give my gifts.

I truly know that I am a spiritual being having a human experience.  If you have identified with and admired the Telos information, especially if you have felt attracted to working experimentally with the 12 Sacred Rays and Flames, this is an opportunity you will not want to miss!

Sophia Arise, Bay Area San Francisco California


Discovering The 12 Sacred Rays and Flames has been one of the most life-changing events in my life.

Each individual Ray brings to life a different attribute of our Divine nature. Applying these Rays in my personal relationships and to every aspect of my business life has been an experience equivalent to Alice Stepping Through the Looking Glass.

On one side is continual conflict, stress and even a certain hopelessness. And on the other side — beauty, purpose, harmony, and life-giving joy.

It takes only a few minutes to apply any Ray to whatever you may be facing, then POOF — you are suddenly in another world. Almost hard to believe.

While you do this on your own (for me, nearly every day), having the world’s greatest teacher of the 12 Sacred Flames and Rays in the extraordinarily beautiful, wise and lovable form of Amerissis Kumara, is the most wonderful gift you will ever give yourself.

Dr. Michael Norwood – Sedona Arizona USA


I have studied the Rays and belong to an Ascension group where we work with the Rays.

I had yearned for something which would take me deeper into the Rays. Amerissis’ 6-month program where I immersed myself in the Rays through meditation and commands was an amazing experience.

I grew and expanded tremendously. I had some wonderful personal experiences with the Chohans, especially Lady Vessa Andromeda.

The meditations Amerissis’ led took me deeply within myself integrating the Rays more powerfully into my life. This will be a program which will continue to be part of my daily spiritual practice.

Cathy Chapman, PhD – Cottonwood Arizona USA


Telosian – Twelve Sacred Cosmic Rays & Flames –

Anchoring the Twelve Sacred Rays & Flames –

Zoom Seminars – Weekly – 

Start dates:  TBA

Australia:  Monday – September TBA, Zoom meeting time:1:00 pm –

Sydney, Melbourne & Canberra

USA:       Sunday September TBA- Zoom meeting time: 7:00 pm – 8.00 pm

 14 Zoom meetings:

Workshop Overview

Anchoring the Sacred Rays and Flames

into Planet Earth and the Universe.


Receive an Initiation from the Universal Logos; Lord Melchizedek, that

will enable you to Anchor, Activate, Actualize and Amplify, the

Universal Rays and Flames into Planet Earth and the Universe.


Daily Inner work Prayers, Prayer Treatments, Self-Visualizations,

Personal Healing with the Rays and Flames processes included in the manual.

Invocations for the Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames are included in the manual.

You will experience the Energy of the Anchored Sacred Rays and Flames

throughout your beingness, and also learn how to Anchor these Rays into

Planet Earth and the Universe.


During the Zoom meetings, there will be Prayers, Channeled Meditations,

Sharing’s of one’s experiences with the Ray anchoring’s, and with Questions and

Answers sessions about the Ray Anchoring process.


Initiation procedure, is Channeled by Raelene Coad Ph.D. PsyThd, (Amerissis)

from the Elohim through to Lord Melchizedek, which enables the initiated person

to anchor the energies of the Sacred Rays and Flames into the Planet and this Universe.

Certificate awarded at the completion of the course.


Cosmic Ascension Pathways books by Amerissis Kumara.

Book 1 – Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Inner Guidance for Cosmic Ascension &

Book 2 – Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Key Prayers for Cosmic Ascension – required for seminars.

Books available through: Balboa Press, Amazon and Booktopia  

And having done the Twelve Sacred Cosmic Rays & Flames –

Workshops or Zoom Seminars with Amerissis.


Each week participants will explore their Inner Self daily with,

Prayers, Prayer Treatments, Visualization processes,

Healing sessions with the Flames and Anchoring the Rays.

These procedures will aid in the attainment of the Higher Levels of

Consciousness required to Anchor the Sacred Rays and Flames

in greater power and strength into Planet Earth and the Universe.


Cost: $350.00 USD 




          At this time in the history of humanity when we are facing many challenges, it has been a great gift to be able to work with the powerful program of The Sacred Rays and Flames of the Cosmic Ascension Pathway.

          The intent for transformation both on a personal and universal level through the activation and anchoring of the attributes of each ray, takes one forward at a very intense level to experience, connections well beyond the earthly realms.

          The time taken for reflecting on the attributes of each Ray and Flame brought through a very, important aspect which was the ability to see within what was not in resonance in the moment and to be able to do the work needed for clearing.

          The clearing of all that is not in harmony on a personal level is so imperative at this time in this journey of ascension, and of course transforms at the Universal level as well.

          The continuing engagement with the Cosmic Beings through the special prayers contained within Amerissis’ ‘Cosmic Ascension Pathways’ manual is also a wonderful support and what I really loved, as our group came together on zoom, was the prayer time Amerissis opened each session with.

          Amerissis’ dedication and support throughout is a very key factor in how you will find insights to the synchronicities and experiences that take place along the way.

          The activation and anchoring of the Rays bring one into a place of humbleness and compassion for our Earth, for all its peoples, for Nature and for what is needed so urgently at this amazing time in our history.

          As Amerissis has indicated, this program is especially for those who hold the consciousness of working at a deep level to bring into manifestation a transformed way of being in our world and here we can contribute in a very real way through heart centered purpose.

          Thank you Amerissis, it was a blessing to be a part of this journey.

With love, Deidre Heppell – Melbourne Victoria


          Discovering The 12 Sacred Flames has been one of the most life-changing events in my life.

          Each individual Ray brings to life a different attribute of our Divine nature. Applying these Rays in my personal relationships and to every aspect of my business life has been an experience equivalent to Alice Stepping Through the Looking Glass.

          On one side is continual conflict, stress and even a certain hopelessness. And on the other side — beauty, purpose, harmony, and life-giving joy.

          It takes only a few minutes to apply any Ray to whatever you may be facing, then POOF — you are suddenly in another world. Almost hard to believe.

          While you do this on your own (for me, nearly every day), having the world’s greatest teacher of the 12 Sacred Flames and Rays in the extraordinarily beautiful, wise and lovable form of Amerissis Kumara, is the most wonderful gift you will ever give yourself.

Dr. Michael Norwood – Sedona Arizona USA


         I have studied the Rays and belong to an Ascension group where we work with the Rays.

          I had yearned for something which would take me deeper into the Rays. Amerissis’ 6-month program where I immersed myself in the Rays through meditation and commands was an amazing experience.

          I grew and expanded tremendously. I had some wonderful personal experiences with the Chohans, especially Lady Vessa Andromeda. The meditations Amerissis’ led took me deeply within myself integrating the Rays more powerfully into my life. This will be a program which will continue to be part of my daily spiritual practice.

Cathy Chapman, PhD – Cottonwood Arizona USA
