Telosian Cosmic Ascension Pathways

Calendar of Events – Intiatic Retreats 2023


Initiatic Journey to Oneness: August 5th – 13th 2023

Mt Shasta – Northern California USA

The Twelve Sacred Cosmic Rays and Flames of One Unity Consciousness

Awareness – Awakening – Acceptance – Ascension initiation – Ascended Masters  

Archangels – Chohans of the Sacred Rays and Flames.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and Lord Zohar of Shambahla. 

Contact: Amerissis Kumara 


Facilitator / Spiritual Teacher / Counsellor / Reiki Master / Author

 Dr. Raelene Coad Ph.D., PsyThD. (Amerissis Kumara)

Spiritual Guides: The Ascended Masters of the Twelve Sacred Rays & Flames of  

One Unity Consciousness. Lemurian Heart Connection to attain One Unity Consciousness with your Inner Self.

During your inner journey you will be totally bathed in the love of the Sacred Rays & Flames of One Unity Consciousness energy. You will be initiated by Lord Melchizedek the Universal Logos of this Universe to receive the vibrations and frequencies of the Twelve Sacred Rays & Flames of One Unity Consciousness, that best suit you in your evolution to be in Oneness with yourself, others and God.

The New Golden Age begins with you: your embodiment of the attributes of the Sacred Twelve Rays & Flames of One Unity Consciousness brings in the vibrations and frequencies necessary for the manifestation of the New Golden Age for Planet Earth. 

  You are the one creating your experiences, we assist you as spirit guides us, to help you achieve your goals for this initiatic retreat. 

We provide the crucible for your experience, the Spiritual teachings of the Mirror Reflections,

Heart Connection and the Acceptance and Compassion for you in Your Journey. 

You do the rest.

We will spend each day in nature and go to some of the most beautiful and highly energetic vortex

areas in the Mt Shasta region to facilitate your healing and inner journey.

Connect to Your Heart, and the Heart that is within the Sacred Rays & Flames.

Come and Join us for this Amazing Experience in Mt Shasta, Northern California USA.

You will never think and feel the same about yourself and your lifetime again.

During the Retreat, you will experience the benefits of Powerful Prayers, Meditations, Channeled messages

and the vibrations and frequencies of the Cosmic Rays & Flames as they are anchored

into Planet Earth and the Universe.

For further information

Please Contact: Dr. Raelene Coad Ph.D  (Amerissis Kumara)   

Mobile +61 0400 020 475 – please leave a short text message for me to get back to you.



Learn about the Sacred Cosmic Rays and Flames in depth, with Prayers, Affirmation, Channeled Meditations and Channeled messages received from the Elohim or Ascended Masters each day, during the Retreat at various sacred sites on and around Mt Shasta.

Vision Quests to access your Soul Purpose in Life, Transpersonal Counselling sessions with Amerissis Kumara available. (Dr. Raelene Coad Ph.D.)

Experience the Cosmic Rays being Anchored into Planet Earth and the Universe by the I Am Presence of Amerissis Kumara, feeling the energy shifts within you each day, as you share with others the experiences that occur during your sojourn in Mt Shasta.

Mt Shasta has awesome powers within, and the Telosian Guides from the Telos Crystal Light City of Mt Shasta California- (who are with you daily) – will help you to achieve your desired outcomes for the Retreat.

Be Initiated by Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos for this Universe; in preparation for you to attain the higher levels of Consciousness necessary for your Cosmic Ascension into the 5th Dimensions and beyond, due to the greater levels of power, that you have experienced during the retreat.

The Sacred Twelve Rays and Flames are anchored into Planet Earth; for the Cosmic Ascension of Humanity, Planet Earth and the Universe, during the retreat and because of this, you will experience these heightened vibrations and frequencies throughout your beingness. 

We Provide Care, Support and Time for your Inner Journey Home.

Prepare for your tomorrows today, attend a Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames Initiatic Retreat, and thereby achieve great changes to your life, in a very short period of time.

The quickening energy from the source of the Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames, assist you in raising your consciousness – to be aware of your thoughts and emotions – to be more Mindful, and therefore – recognize the belief systems held within your unconscious mind, and thus aid you in the knowledge of what you need to change about your old belief systems, in order to advance your life, and create the positive causals that lead to the positive effects.

Please Contact Amerissis by Email:

Telosian Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Non Profit Organization 

 Information: about Retreats and Registration emailed to you on request.

Cost: Administrator/Facilitator fees only: $950.00 AUD & $750 USD.

Accommodation at Swiss Holiday Lodge Motel, Mt Shasta-

Dates: August 5th – 13th 

Cost of accommodation not included, BOOK EARLY  


Itinerary and Manuals provided on enrollment with Amerissis

                                                                                                                           Costs: $800.00 pp or

Name: Raelene Coad



Discovering The 12 Sacred Rays and Flames has been one of the most life-changing events in my life.

Each individual Ray brings to life a different attribute of our Divine nature. Applying these Rays in my personal relationships and to every aspect of my business life has been an experience equivalent to Alice Stepping Through the Looking Glass.

On one side is continual conflict, stress and even a certain hopelessness. And on the other side — beauty, purpose, harmony, and life-giving joy.

It takes only a few minutes to apply any Ray to whatever you may be facing, then POOF — you are suddenly in another world. Almost hard to believe.

While you do this on your own (for me, nearly every day), having the world’s greatest teacher of the 12 Sacred Flames and Rays in the extraordinarily beautiful, wise and lovable form of Amerissis Kumara, is the most wonderful gift you will ever give yourself.

Dr. Michael Norwood – Sedona Arizona USA

Initiatic experience for the Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames.

I have participated in Amerissis’s Initiatic Retreat in Mt Shasta every summer for seven years. I will do so again as soon as it is offered.

I loved traveling to the most spectacular and singular power spots in nature in the Mt Shasta California area with a small group of spiritually minded people to practice prayer and meditation with the 12 Sacred Rays and Flames as our anchor.

I love Amerissis as a facilitator.  She is a great leader: wise, humble, masterful, spiritually connected to Source.  And she’s a great channeler of the Master’s and Lady Masters and Angelic beings that Overlight each Ray and Flame.

An incredible personally-felt connection with these Beings, their love and care, gets created through this communication and makes the work so pleasurable and fulfilling its hard to describe in words. I always feel safe and intimate within the groups she attracts.  The check-ins, the daily use of the prayers, the variety of meditations in the various areas on the Mountain, the lakes, the rivers, inspire the soul to be all it can be.

I have changed so dramatically in seven years as to be almost unrecognizable from who I was. I love working with these Rays and Flames.

If you have found the Telos information compelling and feel attracted to working with the 12 Sacred Rays and Flames experientially, this is an opportunity to go deep with tools that you can take with you.  Being in these spectacular power places in nature in and of itself, is healing to the mind, body, and soul.  And Amerissis is a transcendent conduit of our shared, unfolding spiritual Divinity.

Sophia Arise – Bay Area San Francisco California USA



Please Contact Amerissis by Email:

Telosian Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Non Profit Organization 

 Information: about Retreats and Registration emailed to you on request.

Cost: Administrator/Facilitator fees only: $950 AUD $750 USD

Itinerary and Manuals provided on enrollment with Amerissis or

Name: Raelene Coad

BSB: 650 000 = (Newcastle Permanent)

A/C# 988180629

Past Retreats

Message from Amerissis Kumara  about Retreats held in 2016 – Channeled messages from Mother Earth.

Beloved Brothers and Sister of Telos Australia and the Telos Community, oh what a wonderful exciting cosmic Initiatic journey was had by all the participants for this year’s Mt Shasta Initiatic Retreat 2016, The Twelve Sacred Flames and Rays Retreat in Hawaii and the Monument Valley and Sedona Invocations of the Cosmic Light Rays into Planet Earth.

Words cannot convey the beauty and splendor of Mt Shasta, Hawaii, Monument Valley and the Sedona, Arizona Vortex regions, nor the Joy that was felt from the Heart, by everyone involved in the experiences of their own Divine Cosmic Ascension to higher levels of Consciousness.

So much Cosmic Love and Light came through from Source, the Chohans, the Sacred Flames and Rays and All the Ascended Masters and the Spirit Realm, to bless us with their Divine Guidance, Unconditional Love and Compassion. Their collective Beauty is Breathtaking in its magnitude.

I feel so honoured and privileged to be the channel for so many different representatives of the Light Realm and of Nature and especially so in having for a short period of time felt the presence within my being, the embodiment of Mother Earth as she spoke through me to the fellowship of Christed Light members who were present, represented by myself, Andos Zan and Lee Pulini, expressing her deepest gratitude for all the Light workers in the world who are United in Oneness and awakened to the reality of her existence.

Through her embodiment within me, I felt her pain and the torment of what she has endured for humanity and planet Earth and I was in awe of her great Love of Humanity and her great compassion and understanding for the experience of the human condition and her thoughts and feeling for all the kingdoms of Planet Earth as she regards all as her children and Loves All members of all the Kingdoms of Earth unconditionally.

In the Hawaiian Islands, the Chohans for the Sacred Flames and Rays came through and addressed those present, Faye De Lanty, Lee Pulini, Robyn Hennessy, and myself, and we were at times deep within the experiences of their presence and their messages were for all of humanity, simple, direct full of peace, tranquility, love and compassion. The Nature Spirits addressed us and were in gratitude for all that the Light Workers of the World are doing for the Mother and they are well pleased at our awakenings.

In Mt Shasta the magic continued, and there were times when the emotions ran deep as we shifted through many layers of consciousness to ever higher realms of light and understanding of all that is, and the family to which we belong, the family of Mother Earth that includes all the kingdoms and realms,that are God’s Creation.

Monument Valley, Utah proved once again to be of paramount importance for Planet Earth, and All the Ascended Master who have ever Ascended from this Planet, Planet Earth spake unto us and blessed us for our journey, and acknowledged all that we are doing and informed us, that they are ALL here with us on this planet during Planet Earths Ascension to the 5th Dimension, saying, ‘Thou are not alone ever, we are eternally with thee’.

In the Tonto State National Park of Arizona the Sacred Flames and Rays of God Consciousness came through and for a short period of time their energy was held within me as they spoke of their service to creation, to the all that is and their joy and great desire to be of service to humanity and all the kingdoms of Planet Earth.

They request that we call upon them from our Heart, Mind, Body and Soul, to embody their presence within our beingness at all times.

I felt their energy within me and it was so beautiful, strong, pure and the illumine truth of the creator of all that is, I have no words that can describe the Great, Enormous Love of these flames and rays.

I am Totally in Love with their energy and invoke their cool brilliant energy into my being often, as I am thinking and feeling my connection to them.

There is so much more that I could say here about the experiences of everyone who was chosen by spirit to be present, but that would take a book and I guess that is exactly what is to come of these channeling’s, these awesome messages from the Light and Nature Spirit Realms are to be shared with the World.

The Divine Light and Love of Spirit Flows through us all,

Eternal is the Star that each of us all are

And every particle of the one is the Holy Sacred Sun.