This is a Powerful Two by two day weekends workshop about the Twelve Sacred Flames & Rays.

Four Days of absolutely awesome experiences, which can help you to change your life, and the world in which you live – to be love, balance and harmony.

Learn and experience the Prayers, Attributes and Affirmations Treatments of the Twelve Sacred Flames & Rays, and discover how you can use these prayers, attributes and affirmations, to transform your life, through the transformation of the negative causal’s within your belief systems, to positive causal’s, thereby bringing about lasting change, because, the causes and effects in your life have been transformed to the positive.

Learn how to create within your environment, a Sacred Space, a Temple of Love and Light that will help you in your journey to Love, Balance, and Harmony.

Receive from the Universal Logos: Lord Melchizedek, the initiation that will enable you to Anchor, Activate, Actualize and Amplify the Twelve Sacred Rays and Flames into Planet Earth, thus helping the people of your Country, Humanity, and All the Kingdoms and Realms of Planet Earth.

The Sacred Flames & Rays are awesome, and the anchoring of these Rays, will help change the world to be a better place, many people who have had this initiation from Lord Melchizedek, have experienced amazing results to the energy of the areas in which they have anchored the Rays, and they have felt great Joy in being able to make a difference to and for Planet Earth, and for All Life forms and Life forces that dwells therein.

What I most look forward to in facilitating these workshops, is the sharing with others the value of having the Twelve Sacred Flames and Rays in their lives, and what I see in their eyes, is the hope, hope for a better life and hope for a better world, one is which they are able to use the Sacred Flames and Rays in healing themselves, and to contribute to the well-being of others, and our world.

Facilitator: Dr. Raelene Coad Ph.D.

Amerissis Kumara

Email Contact:

Venue:  Banora Point NSW (Tweed Shire)

Date: TBA

Time: Saturday arrive 9:30 am for 10.00 am start until 5:00 pm

Sunday arrive 9:30 am for 10.00 am start until 5:00 pm

Cost: $650.00

Manuals Provided

Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Inner Guidance Manual – book included

Cosmic Ascension Pathways – Key Prayers for Cosmic Ascension – book included


Raelene Coad

Newcastle Permanent

BSB:650 000

A/C # 988180629